Today I interviewed Carrie Peters who designed the beautiful covers for my romantic saga series, The Wellington Estates, with more to come in the future. I love working with her for several reasons, the most important of which are the 5 A's: Accessibility, Ability, Affability, Alacrity, Affordability.
How did you get into ebook cover design? Well, first I started off as an author. =) I won a few contests, wrote a few books, then decided to learn how to make my own cover. I'd been in website design for years, so I knew graphics. I could certainly apply that to ebooks right? Wrong! It's a whole different world...trying to get images to look great at the big size and readable at the small size. Trying to lure people in with my designs. Finally I took a class on cover design and fell in love. THIS was fun! Almost every week I take tutorials from YouTube and classes online to learn more of my craft - and the better I get. (At least I like to think so!) How long have you been creating covers? Since 2013. My first cover was for one of the ladies in my first book cover class. From there, it blossomed and about 2 years later I started Now it has grown mostly by word of mouth. What's your favorite genre for covers? I'd have to say romance, simply because it's what I read the most. I've done sci-fi and horror, contemporary and historical romances, plays, romcom and westerns, and almost all of the genres of romance. Lots of mysteries and thrillers too! What are your favorite sites for stock photos? You know, that truly depends on what the customer is looking for. Historicals you almost always have to purchase on a site that caters to that genre - novelstock and periodimages. Erotica is another specialized few websites. For contemporary and thrillers, I mostly use depositphotos and shutterstock. Which authors do you regularly work with? Oh, gosh, there's so many I love - if an author sticks with you, you become more than just an employee, you become FRIENDS. Donna Cummings who writes historical and contemporary romance, Julie Smith who writes mystery and thriller. Miranda Nading who writes sci fi and apocalyptic novels, Lisa Leuthesser who writes erotica and romance. And of course, Sunanda Chatterjee has become a new friend of mine as well. =) Do you also write books? If yes, do you or would you make your own covers? I have written several books and yes, I would definitely make my own covers! Unfortunately I know I wouldn't do it well. I'm too close to my writing and I'd drive myself crazy with it! Here's her website. |
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